Show HN: SQL Dry Runs with SQL Simulator
13 by westonOG | 8 comments on Hacker News. My name is Weston Goodwin. I created a tool called SQL Simulator which allows you to do Dry Runs with your SQL Scripts. The reason I created the tool was because I wanted to verify that my SQL scripts did what I thought they would do without executing them against the database. It is similar in concept to Redgate SQL Clone or Windocs. If you are not familiar with these tools they make clones of your database. The key difference with SQL Simulator is, it only makes a clone of the database objects affected by your sql script, not the entire database. Nor does it copy the entire table (if your sql has where clauses). Once those database objects have been cloned, SQL Simulator then executes your script against the cloned database it created. For a more in depth technical overview click here: You can download the software here: You can read the documentation here: