Show HN: WireHole combines WireGuard, Pi-hole, and Unbound with an easy UI
20 by byteknight | 50 comments on Hacker News. WireHole offers a unified docker-compose project that integrates WireGuard, PiHole, and Unbound, complete with a user interface. This solution is designed to empower users to swiftly set up and manage either a full or split-tunnel WireGuard VPN. It features ad-blocking capabilities through PiHole and enhanced DNS caching and privacy options via Unbound. The intuitive UI makes deployment and ongoing management straightforward, providing a comprehensive VPN solution with added privacy features.
Ask HN: How to be a manager? Any good sources for learning how to delegate?
54 by r_singh | 26 comments on Hacker News. Hi all, hope you are having a good weekend. I have been a solo dev / indie hacker for a few (many?) years until recently when I added 2 people to my team (one engineer and one for marketing). Initially when adding them to my team I was kind of relieved that they would solve certain problems for me however after a few weeks I learnt while they do what I ask of them they also create new problems for me and I need to prepare a lot more which leaves less time to work solo. My impulsive thought at first was that maybe I should go back to being solo but soon I realised that I enjoy working solo and don’t really know how to be a manager or how to delegate. Has anyone here faced something similar? How did you learn to become a manager? I would really appreciate if you could point me to some good sources books videos courses any material that could give me a good 101 on being a manager and delegating work / using Human Resources, also using positive approach whilst giving feedback. Also, do you have any heuristics you use to measure your effectiveness at delegating? Any help is appreciated, thanks!